Sports & Health

Your body

Sports & Health

Your body


We believe in health and the best way is to burn calories, be active and stop the excuses in your vacation! That’s why the Sun Club Home Team has an ideal fitness & wellness program for you! With Tini Schmid, Ulrike Stümke and Yvonne Zwicker, your holidays will be the perfect mix of relaxation and sport! In addition, our guests get a special deal with the cycling experts from Sport Bequi! Let’s go 🙌

Fantastic Feet


Languages: German, English and Basic Spanish

Foot zone reflex massage

Through our feet we establish direct contact with Mother Earth.
With the essence of mandarin, this soothing massage provides deep relaxation in your body and activates your self-healing powers.
45 min – 45€
60 min – 55€

Med. Pedicure incl. varnish

A foot care transforms your feet:
Dead skin cells are thoroughly removed. The nails are shaped and, if you like, painted with your favourite colour. So you’re ready for your flip-flops, sandals or whatever may come.
ca.45 min – 40 €

Foot reflexology (45min) + pedicure


Fantastic Feet


Languages: German, English and Basic Spanish

Foot zone reflex massage

Through our feet we establish direct contact with Mother Earth.
With the essence of mandarin, this soothing massage provides deep relaxation in your body and activates your self-healing powers.
45 min – 45€
60 min – 55€

Med. Pedicure incl. varnish

A foot care transforms your feet:
Dead skin cells are thoroughly removed. The nails are shaped and, if you like, painted with your favourite colour. So you’re ready for your flip-flops, sandals or whatever may come.
ca.45 min – 40 €

Foot reflexology (45min) + pedicure

  • Stretching
  • Fresh-Air-Fitness
  • Aqua Fit
  • TRX
  • ABS special
  • Back health
  • Yoga & Pilates on the SUP

Freaky Fitness

Our swiss trainer Tini Schmid

Languages: German, Swiss-German and English


  • Functional Training 
  • TRX Training 
  • Fitness training
  • Endurance training (jogging, cycling)
  • Stretching
  • Table tennis

Racing bike tour from €40,-/hour plus €20,- initial outlay – no matter how many people.
Further prices for personal training on request.

Freaky Fitness

Our swiss trainer Tini Schmid

Languages: German, Swiss-German and English


  • Functional Training 
  • TRX Training 
  • Fitness training
  • Endurance training (jogging, cycling)
  • Stretching
  • Table tennis

Racing bike tour from €40,-/hour plus €20,- initial outlay – no matter how many people.
Further prices for personal training on request.

Infinite Happiness

Yvonne Zwicker‭

Expert for Meditation & Mental Coaching

Languages: German, English and Spanish


  • Personal training
  • Coaching
  • mental training
  • psychological counselling
  • supervision
  • mediation
  • Seminars
  • Incentives

Let this holiday be your most relaxing time out this year.

Book your extra portion of happiness right here and enjoy your pampering massage with us at Sunclub in your favourite spot. Let us surprise you with our changing offers. Yvonne will be happy to advise you personally in advance.

If you would like to unwind with a healing meditation and autogenic training, arrange your free 15-minute information session with us. In our quiet oasis you will find inner peace, clarity and balance.

Would you like to use your island time for reflection & breathing therapy and and get your immune system in better condition? Great! The fresh island breeze is especially good for your lungs. Your questions are welcome! For more information, Yvonne is your competent contact person and is looking forward to meeting you.

Infinite Happiness

Yvonne Zwicker‭

Expert for Meditation & Mental Coaching

Languages: German, English and Spanish


  • Personal training
  • Coaching
  • mental training
  • psychological counselling
  • supervision
  • mediation
  • Seminars
  • Incentives

Let this holiday be your most relaxing time out this year.

Book your extra portion of happiness right here and enjoy your pampering massage with us at Sunclub in your favourite spot. Let us surprise you with our changing offers. Yvonne will be happy to advise you personally in advance.

If you would like to unwind with a healing meditation and autogenic training, arrange your free 15-minute information session with us. In our quiet oasis you will find inner peace, clarity and balance.

Would you like to use your island time for reflection & breathing therapy and and get your immune system in better condition? Great! The fresh island breeze is especially good for your lungs. Your questions are welcome! For more information, Yvonne is your competent contact person and is looking forward to meeting you.

Sports & Health with Sun Club Home

In a small team or just the two of you, with energy and motivation, with fun and sympathy, our coaches will get you started on your holiday! On the beach, in the sea, in the pool or even in a pleasantly air-conditioned room – we create an active holiday with you! Of course, we also follow the official hygiene guidelines. Just contact us, we will be happy to plan a complete package for you! Or simply send the ladies a WhatsApp! Let’s go!

The cycling experience with Sun Club Home

With us and the team from  Sport Bequi, you can experience and discover the island of Mallorca from its most beautiful side! Take a ride to secret bays along country roads full of colourful almond blossoms or through the winding serpentines of the Tramuntana mountains. Trained instructors will give you valuable tips and of course offer you only bikes of the highest quality!

Price table according to model

Rental days 1 2 3 4 5 6 >7
Daily rate 20,00€ 20,00€ 18,00€ 18,00€ 17,00€ 17,00€ 15,00€

Check availability now

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    Pellentesque dictum tellus non porttitor ultricies. In at pellentesque nulla, vel maximus lacus. Vivamus viverra orci sit amet venenatis aliquet. Quisque eu sem ut justo rutrum rutrum et sed risus. Donec sed elit vestibulum, luctus mi in, accumsan eros. Fusce fermentum pretium est, at sodales urna vestibulum quis. Sed ullamcorper orci sed sem dignissim, ut eleifend odio aliquet. Morbi ligula eros, convallis rutrum quam eget, vulputate dictum enim. Etiam sed magna ligula. Curabitur pretium nulla hendrerit congue tincidunt.

    Nunc convallis sapien quis ligula venenatis, et accumsan nisi sagittis. Nullam est massa, convallis ac sapien eu, rhoncus facilisis eros. Vestibulum facilisis sed diam vel sagittis. Sed venenatis vitae metus vel volutpat. Pellentesque a tortor a nisi ultrices rutrum. Integer fermentum elementum nisi at mattis. Nam a vulputate lorem. Quisque viverra ante a rhoncus commodo.

    Phasellus scelerisque et quam nec condimentum. Suspendisse vel porttitor lacus, at pretium mi. In commodo tristique magna non viverra. Pellentesque dignissim malesuada ex sed interdum. Etiam sed ipsum sed ante gravida bibendum ut eget dolor. Suspendisse id eros rutrum, iaculis neque vitae, placerat metus. Suspendisse tincidunt eros et nisi tincidunt convallis. Nam sollicitudin augue ac augue aliquet pellentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
